Tarzan Legs - Train legs at Home

Short on time ? You can not go to the gym? Try this exercise anywhere to burn fat fast. All you need is a bit of open space and 25 minutes!

Warm up for 5-10 minutes. Completing 4 laps with no rest between each exercise. Move between exercises as fast as possible .

Train ride home fast - fast train Minute Dash Mount Home1
30 Seconds climbers
20 triceps dips President
20 bombs
Height 20
Large Squat wait one minute
10 Burpees
Superman 20 extensions

year observations
Mountaineers - get into a plank position . Bring one leg forward on the chest, while the other leg is extended and then move on. Continue alternating . Go as fast as you can, keeping your body and abs.

Triceps Dips President - Sitting in a chair , clinging to the edge with your hands about shoulder width apart. Extend your legs in front of you . Lower your body down , bending your elbows , stop when your arms are almost parallel to the floor . Then push and squeeze the triceps.

Fast train ride home - Fit Fast Train HomeHigh Jumps - Start with legs shoulder width . Jump as high as you can in the air and land in a squat . Immediately jumping in the air .

Burpee - Start by standing with your feet together . Crouch on the floor and place your hands on the floor. Again thrust legs in a position table. Then, jump feet to hands. Finally , explosive jump and land in the starting position to complete the repetition .

Extensions Superman - Lie on your stomach, hands extend forward , palms down and fingers pointing backward. Lift the top and bottom at the same time getting the lower back and buttocks. Hold for a few seconds and relax . Repeat .

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