We can all use a boost to our training in the new year, a pick- me-up if you want. Here are four things you can add to your routine to push you to the next level in their quest to be fit and better.
One note: we will see a total body workout , and three dynamic exercises to challenge and reward you again . Remember that you should always try to add more variety to your training repertoire . Thus, muscle confusion , a key principle in the development of muscle tone and avoid the plateau that commonly affects sports fans is promoted. If it is difficult to add to your arsenal , always think of a personal trainer. That's what they are paid to do! Now in the top 4!
1. 52 Pick Up
You will need a comprehensive platform to do so, but it may take less to play with a full deck to remove. This is a reusable , interchangeable full entire body workout that can cost as little as a pack of ordinary playing cards. The idea is simple. Assign a specific exercise for each suit. For example : Hearts are pushups, squats are clubs, spades are bicycle crunches , and diamonds are climbers. You can vary the exercises and go as you please. After assigning costumes , shuffle the cards and draw your first card . 9 hearts say? Then you do pushups 9. Draw this card immediately. Do as many repetitions of the exercise . See if you can make it through the whole platform. Face cards count as 10 reps, Aces count 11!
2 . Lunge and Twist
Our movement is the first dynamic slot and turn . This does not only focus on the legs ( hamstrings, quads , glutes ) but the twist will help you develop core strength , proprioception and balance. Start with a dumbbell long routes between the two hands , holding it up to the shoulder and around the body.
Start by making a slit . If lunge forward with your right leg on top of the slot , turn the torso to the right. Hold for one to three seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat with the left leg . There are two ways that I will recommend to complete this exercise . You can add three or four sets of this exercise , do 12-15 reps with low weight dumbbells ( five to 20 pound maximum ) . Alternatively , you can make as many safety rope twists as you can in 30 to 45 seconds apart. Rest and repeat two more times.
3 . Push Up Jacks
This exercise is designed to build stamina and endurance, as well as the strength of the upper and lower body . Start in push-up position and perform a regular push-up. Upon returning to the starting position , his flare apart as if you were a puppet legs, then bring them back together. Repeat the push -up and push -up decision . Alternatively, you can make it harder to start , falling to the push-up position , perform the exercise , and upload . Perhaps three or four sets of 12 to 15, or at intervals of 30-45 seconds . One to two additional intervals.
4. flutter kicks
Loved by special forces and military instructors worldwide , and hated by everyone! This is an excellent exercise to develop core strength , stamina and endurance . The idea is simple. Have you flat on your back , preferably on a carpet of some sort ( a yoga mat works best ) . With arms at sides and legs straight , lift your upper torso and legs on the floor. At the same time , will alternately lift each leg in a "kick " , while not letting the legs or torso soil . Again , I recommend two ways to perform them. You can add three or four sets of this exercise , perform 12-15 repetitions . Alternatively , you can make as many kicks as you can float in intervals of 30-45 seconds. Rest and repeat two more times.
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