Film Bug has partnered with leading sports science in vegetable protein , Ross Edgley , breaking the top 10 ways to improve your leg strength .
Tell us your training and nutrition tips on how to improve your leg strength to our forum. Have you tried one of the tips below?

1. Incorporate heavy Deadlifts
According to researchers from the Department of Biomedical Sciences , University of Ohio , heavy compound movements such as deadlifts are the best not only to strengthen the legs , but also improve the "integrity of the joints," thereby reducing the risk of injury. It is believed that the force and the force exerted during a high cause increased bone formation ( a process known as ' osteoblastic activity ') and a strengthening of ligaments and tendons. Ultimately, this means joints are more robust and less prone to injury .
To include the deadlift in your routine, place the bar on the floor with your desired weight. Place feet shoulder width and approach the bar can . Then grab the bar , keep right and raise the bar in the back ground movement to keep as close to the body as possible . Try to use a weight that you can complete 3-5 reps for 1-5 sets.
2 . Squat stronger bone
Sport scientists have also found that heavy exercises like squats can strengthen bones and muscles of the legs. This is because under a weight of the long bones of the "legs slightly arched . This results in an adjustment in which the bones become thickened over the entire length to prevent the muscular damage that occurs in the future . Already extremely important for endurance athletes who are prone to stress fractures identified .
To perform a squat location bar at the top of the back ( below the neck and rest on the trapeze to offer some kind of " filler" ) . Then , standing with feet shoulder width and your back straight , bend your knees until your butt is in line with the knees and return to the original position. Try to use a weight that you can complete 3-5 reps for 1-5 sets.

3. Eat enough protein
It is well known that endurance athletes need a lot of protein to ensure they recover enough after training. So much so that the International Olympic Committee Consensus on Sports Nutrition indicates the strength or speed of athletes is recommended to consume 1.7grams of protein per kg of body weight per day. For a rugby player 100 kg , equivalent to 170 grams of protein a day ( usually divided in 6 meals spaced about two hours outside all day , each with 28.33 grams of protein each. )
But it is interesting that some experts say endurance athletes (including brokers ) need more . In a study conducted at McMaster University in Ontario , Canada, it has been suggested " that endurance athletes need more protein intake is that strength athletes or sedentary individuals to meet the needs of protein catabolism during exercise. " ( MA Tarnopolsky et al, 1999 . ) in other words , this means that the execution of the training itself is so strong that the body needs more protein to avoid going into a catabolic state that is, the muscles begin to degrade , the immune system is severely affected and the lesions are more likely to occur. However, having an adequate supply of protein and amino acids in the body to act as building blocks of protein means your muscles are able to recover fully and are ready for your next session .
4 . Weighted Box Jumps
Ligaments are really interesting to put into action when there is a source of " unpredictable " in the city , as a stumble or fall. This is where the damage occurs when the ligament and tendons of the muscles are not able to stabilize the joint. For this reason, the stronger muscles will prevent injury to the ligaments.
One way is to conduct training weighted box jumps to practice quick reaction force in muscles with a strong impact. You only have to find a raised platform ( a box, a bank or something stable ) and hold a pair of dumbbells . Then perform jumps 5-10, with 60 seconds rest for 5 sets. This will improve the muscles around the joints of the legs and ensure greater stability (through the same material and a faster response ) and therefore better control face on uneven ground . Ultimately, the difference between one or ligament damage and no brutal half stumble slightly embarrassing that you could see out of action for weeks.
5. Lactic acid buffer
Another method often overlooked increase the "strength" of the legs during training or a race is regular supplementation of lactic acid thus improve their resistance to force in the closing stages of the race.
A supplement is indicated for the amino acid beta- alanine . Studies also show adding little as 2 grams of a water bottle can increase the levels of a compound called muscle carnosine lactic acid , in turn , buffers and delay the onset of fatigue, meaning that improved largely the strength of their sprint finish . In a study published in the Journal of Japanese Physiology, said . " It has been proven that people with muscular carnosine was high could present a great power in the second half of the 30 second maximum cycle ergometer sprint These results suggest that the concentration of muscle carnosine could be one of the important factors that determine the performance of high intensity exercise . " (Y Suzuki and others 2002 ) .
6 . Slot correct imbalances
The repetitive nature and career move means some muscular and structural imbalances can be amplified , especially in the legs and lower body . This is why the construction of the strongest legs through strength training can "iron" these imbalances , prevent injury and also improve the biomechanics of his career.
One of the best ways is to perform weighted lunges. Here is where you take a weight ( a bar or sand bags in the back or dumbbells in each hand ) and take a big step forward with the knee of the back leg touching the ground. Then push your back foot and return to standing position. Doing this with alternate legs 20-30 meters and repeat 5 times to correct imbalances quickly and significantly improve leg strength .
7. Lift To highlight weaknesses
Bodybuilding leg is also a great way to highlight the weaknesses you may have. Consider the simple , raised as an exercise and movement to choose a weight on the floor. A runner with weak hamstrings will be difficult to get the bar on the ground , is the first phase of the lift . A rider with a weak lower back experience some difficulties to " lock " the final phase of the lift. This is very important to identify any weaknesses that will expand significantly from repetitive motion resistance training . So if you have weak hamstrings attempt heavy knee pushups , 5 sets of 5 reps .
8. Step Ups and weighted core commitment
A strong core is essential to maintain proper posture and biomechanics throughout the race . A key technical personnel under low and an even worse history tool. One way to effectively train all the core muscles is to make a big move, a compound that a major commitment of the muscle fiber is required, while at the same time requires a balance to stabilize the movement.
One way is to perform weighted step-up , this is where you have a weight in the back or holding dumbbells in your hands , you walk on a raised platform . Complete 20 step ups in total with alternating legs for a total of 5 games. Like most training obviously the leg muscles in a range similar to a career move , it also involves the core muscles , including the rectus abdominis and the most difficult section to form the abdomen .
9. Lower Back & Quad development
A common problem among endurance runners is a low back , which can lead to both injury and damaged art. One way to improve this is to do front squats as having weight distributed forces before engaging the core muscles and lower back much .
To do this, simply hold the rod in his chest to keep up with your hands. Then , keeping your back straight to squat sure to engage the core muscles and lower back to balance the whole movement.
10. Get a big strong legs no legs
This last point is rather a summary of the above and serves to remind you mean strong legs great legs , bulky bodybuilder -esque hindering performance up .
Performing between 3-5 repetitions (low rep range ) , you make sure not to build muscle, but you build strength . This type of training is less " hypertrophy " in base ( to build muscle ) and " neurological " based , meaning time to start learning to contract the muscle groups with greater strength and efficiency
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