fast like light - improve your speed

Sprinting is one of the best cardiovascular and muscle building exercises, it is the basis of high intensity interval training and will help you develop lean and powerful muscles. Sprint training consumes a huge amount of energy and is critical to the development of a tight core. Those wishing to become faster more agile athletes typically integrate sprinting and other explosive interval training techniques into their regimen. Sprint training coupled with plyometrics and an effective weight lifting program is the best way to burn fat, get ripped and improve your running speed. Without getting too technical below I have listed some benefits:
- Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption
- Increased Bone Strength and Density
- Metabolic Adaptations
- Increased Phosphate Metabolism
- Increase Heart Contraction Efficiency
- Fat Oxidation
- Muscle Gain
- Intramuscluar Buffering Capacity
- Increased mitochondrial size
Sprinting not only burns HUGE amounts of calories while sprinting, it also keeps your metabolism flying for days after. Sprinting combined with running / jogging can bring amazing results, especially when combined with a clean and healthy diet! Some studies have show that sprint workouts burn fat 9 times faster than slow cardio (elliptical, bike).
Sprint training is rapidly becoming a popular way to train for elite as well as recreational exercisers because it simply works. Some recent studies of sprint training with cyclists showed greater cardiovascular results in less time. One study found that just six sessions of four to seven all-out thirty-second sprints (with four minutes of recovery between sprints) could be as effective at improving cardiovascular fitness as an hour of daily moderate-level aerobic exercise.
The subjects in one study showed an astonishing 100 percent increase in endurance capacity (from 26 minutes to 51 minutes) versus the control group who showed no change. In another study by the same researchers, subjects improved their cycling time trial performance by nearly 10 percent in the two weeks.
Regardless of the physical fitness goal, any athlete or physically active person becomes better able to grow and strengthen through the implementation of speed training activities like sprinting. Nearly every exercise related to speed training involves the addition of muscle power and strength through special technique and proper form. Try adding a sprinting portion to the beginning or end of each workout routine, and evaluate the benefits over a period of time. Sprinting does not require much room, and speed training exercise works both indoors and outside.
Check Out For more information on how to improve your running speed, quickness and agility
Dave is A Varisty Athelete Who Has Been Competing at a High Level For Over 10 years

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