That is not what makes for a happy or healthy life. You would want to live unbound to such necessities and achieve tranquility and ecstasy. This is where meditation comes along as the only thing handy.
Meditation is the removal of everything from your consciousness. When that occurs, your mind becomes calmed and at peace. A still mind brings in the energy to reveal your mind to what is real in contrast to fantasy.
Consciousness is discerning what is present and occurring around us, and our ideas and fantasies, too. Thus, consciousness means your concept of self.
The beauty of nature, seascapes, landscapes, touches us. We are moved by that splendor because we have a past memory of similar splendors of nature. That acknowledgment exists because there had been a previous association.
A lifetime gives us different encounters and notions that, in time, define who we are. We become what we have gone through in experience and thought.
Each person goes through all sorts of experiences and the mind wants more and better experiences, as well as other frameworks, other dimensions. Narrow encounters in life get to be dull and inane, then your mind goes after the utmost endless consciousness.
Meditation is a mental condition where there is absence of experience, time, past, future and the idea of self. This condition entails no cravings or seek the feeling of stability or satisfaction because these are to happen in the future and therefore, connected to time. Notions like these are narrowed down by the idea of time and you must shed them off to attain that condition farther than time. A condition that is so not common.
Meditation, thus, is when the mind contains no will, no desire, no concept of time, therefore the self is no longer apart from everything else. You develop a union with everything. There is no more you, him, her, this, that - no more barriers between you and all else around you.
When meditation is done together with the various Yoga asanas you will get to find direct links and sensitivity to What Is and a clearer perception of the occurrences in the Now.
Yogic asanas loosen up the body making for smooth flow and nourishment of blood and flushing out of body toxins while meditation releases from your consciousness all shades of past encounters, desire for future ones and your sense of self. Incorporating the sequences of yoga and the forms of meditation releases you of all these.
Your consciousness is now revealed, free to take in peace and harmony, calm and riches. This removes you from a condition of hurting and distress to one of overall release.
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