Fitness monkey go to the gym for a reason. It is not " necessary equipment " exercises a stopwatch, a pull up bar (easily improvised ) and a jump rope - it takes up no space at all. So if you exercise in the gym monkey , the front room , garage, or a local court here 30 fitness workouts to try monkey .
Do not forget to allow time for the Monkey Bar Gymnasium these exercises fitness monkey . This way , you can see improvements in the future. Most of them are a function of time, in any case , unless showed otherwise .fitness monkey That is it! Do these exercises as soon as possible for a great ape fitness wooden house. A. Running a half mile , I monkey Fitness followed by 50 pumps x three times . Dos. monkey bar fitness Running a quarter mile , then take x 50 three times . Three . Running fitness monkey a quarter mile , followed by 50 squats x four times . April. Run a mile , and 100 pumps, 200 pumps, 300 squats and then run a mile .
fitness monkey May Run a quarter mile , then do as many pushups can x five times . June Make a series of ups Monkey Bar gym and under - fitness with 50 monkey 40, 30 , 20 and ten each. Julio. Ask several serious and abs - have 50, 40, 30, 20 and ten each. Using the maximum Monkey August seven groups weight gym one rep weighted pull- ups . 9. 100 belched .monkey bar fitness
10. 100 pitches. 11. 150 is burping. 12. Do 50 squats followed ape fitness jump rope 100 x five turns. 13 . Make a series of slots 30 feet, 20 pushups, fitness monkey run a quarter mile , then 30 box jumps , 20 sauces and another quarter mile race. function.
fitness monkey Bar Gym yawned 12 , followed by the pumps 12 x ten rounds. 15 . Ask several serious 50 and then 75 squats x three rounds. 16 . Make a series of double pumps and drive - 50, 30 and 20 each. 17 . five Full Box jumps followed by ten pushups 15 knees and elbows as many times as possible in 20 minutes. 18 . 50 squats 30 pushups and handstand pushups 15 x five times monkey bar fitness .
19 .fitness monkey For five bombs , followed by ten Monkey Bar Fitness pumps and configurations 15 x 20 rounds . 20 . k run as fast as you can. 21 . Running a quarter mile , mono gym and then rest for two minutes x four times . 22 . fitness monkey Running a half mile , then rest for two minutes x three times . 23 . Full five itself medicine ball, followed by ten guns and 15 double Sub - make as much as you can in 20 minutes. 24 .monkey bar fitness
Complete 50 sit-ups, followed by 50 doubles and 50 crunches , then walk 50 slot machines and 50 rot ' S , followed by 50 more crunches . 25 . Rot 50 pull-ups. 26 . Sprint in a Monkey Bar Gym mounted mile fitness monkey , then a half-mile decent . 27 . RUN 100 meters as fast as you can , rest a minute fitness ape x 10 times. 28 . Y2K . 29 . Run a half mile , then back quarter mile x 2 times . 30 . Completed 25 yawned invested monkey bar gym followed by 25 bombs and 25 x Mono gym 5 times putrefaction monkey bar fitness .
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